Automatically update your publication list using R scholar
I really dislike tedious tasks like updating my publication list on my website. So here is a very short script that does the job for me. It uses the R library scholar to pull my publications from my google scholar profile. I then use some quick & dirty string parsing to convert that data into a html table. I'm sure there are a tons of more elegant ways out there, but this worked, and only took me minutes to set up.
library(scholar) library(tidyverse) library(glue) # escape some special chars, german umlauts, ... char2html <- function(x){ dictionary <- data.frame( symbol = c("ä","ö","ü","Ä", "Ö", "Ü", "ß"), html = c("ä","ö", "ü","Ä", "Ö", "Ü","ß")) for(i in 1:dim(dictionary)[1]){ x <- gsub(dictionary$symbol[i],dictionary$html[i],x) } x } # my google scholar user id from my profile url # thackl <- "b8bWNkUAAAAJ" # pull from google html_1 <- get_publications(thackl) # convert to htlm table - the ugly way ;) html_2 <- html_1 %>% as_tibble %>% arrange(desc(year)) %>% mutate( # author=str_replace_all(author, " (\\S) ", "\\1 "), author=str_replace_all(author, "([A-Z]) ([A-Z]) ", "\\1\\2 "), author=str_replace_all(author, ", \\.\\.\\.", " et al."), author=str_replace_all(author, "T Hackl", "<b>T Hackl</b>") # make my name fat ) %>% split(.$year) %>% map(function(x){ x <- x %>% glue_data('<tr><td width="100%">{author} ({year}) <a href="{cid}&btnI=1&hl=en">{title}</a>, {journal}, {number}</td></tr>') %>% str_replace_all("(, )+</p>", "</p>") %>% char2html() x <- c('<table class="publication-table" border="10px solid blue" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="6" rules="", frame=""><tbody>', x, '</tbody></table>') return(x); }) %>% rev html_3 <- map2(names(html_2) %>% paste0("<h3>", ., "</h3>"), html_2, c) %>% unlist html_4 <- c( paste0('<p style="text-align: right; margin-top: -40px;"><small>Last updated <i>', format(Sys.Date(), format="%B %d, %Y"), '– Pulled automatically from my <a href="">Google Scholar profile</a>. See <a href="">this post</a> for how it works.</small></p>'), html_3) # write the html list to a file writeLines(html_4, "../_includes/publications.html")