Add a language label to code chunks in pkgdown articles pkgdown nicely renders code chunks in your package documentation. However, if you mix in non-R snippets, it gets difficult to distinguish between languages. So how about some nice labels for each code box.
Automatically update your publication list using R scholar II - get a PDF Alessio apparently read my blog post on how to automatically update your publication list using R and google scholar. He contacted me wondering if there is also a solution to get a PDF.
Get BUSCO gene descriptions from OrthoDB BUSCO lacks descriptions of the ortholog groups it searches for. You can query OrthoDB via its API to map BUSCO IDs and pull the information. Below is a short R snippet to automate
Automatically update your publication list using R scholar I really dislike tedious tasks like updating my publication list on my website. So here is a very short script that does the job for me. It uses the R library scholar to
Plotting a ggtree and ggplots side by side Plotting phylogenies and associated data side by side is a good way to explore evolutionary patterns in your data. In this post I will describe my approach for creating such plots in R
Blogging with Emacs Org-Mode and Jekyll I've been thinking about getting my own blog up for more than a while now, and finally made it happen! This is is my first post, and it will cover the basics steps