scale_x_bp() is the default scale for genomic x-axis. It wraps ggplot2::scale_x_continuous() using label_bp() as default labeller.

scale_x_bp(..., suffix = "", sep = "", accuracy = 1)

label_bp(suffix = "", sep = "", accuracy = 1)



Arguments passed on to ggplot2::scale_x_continuous()


unit suffix e.g. "bp"


between number and unit prefix+suffix


A number to round to. Use (e.g.) 0.01 to show 2 decimal places of precision. If NULL, the default, uses a heuristic that should ensure breaks have the minimum number of digits needed to show the difference between adjacent values.

Applied to rescaled data.


# scale_x_bp invoked by default
gggenomes(emale_genes) + geom_gene()
#> No seqs provided, inferring seqs from feats

# customize labels
gggenomes(emale_genes) + geom_gene() +
  scale_x_bp(suffix="bp", sep=" ")
#> No seqs provided, inferring seqs from feats

# Note: xlim will overwrite scale_x_bp() with ggplot2::scale_x_continuous()
gggenomes(emale_genes) + geom_gene() +
  xlim(0, 3e4)
#> No seqs provided, inferring seqs from feats

# set limits explicitly with scale_x_bp() to avoid overwrite
gggenomes(emale_genes) + geom_gene() +
  scale_x_bp(limits=c(0, 3e4))
#> No seqs provided, inferring seqs from feats