Use track_info() to call on a gggenomes or gggenomes_layout object to return a short tibble with ids, types, index and size of the loaded tracks.

track_info(x, ...)



A gggenomes or gggenomes_layout object




Short tibble with ids, types, index and size of loaded tracks.


The short tibble contains basic information on the tracks within the entered gggenomes object.

  • id : Shows original name of inputted data frame (only when more than one data frames are present in a track).

  • type : The track in which the data frame is present.

  • i (index) : The chronological order of data frames in a specific track.

  • n (size) : Amount of objects plotted from the data frame. (not the amount of objects in the inputted data frame)


  seqs = emale_seqs,
  feats= list(emale_genes, emale_tirs, emale_ngaros),
  links = emale_ava) |>
#> # A tibble: 5 × 4
#> # Groups:   type [3]
#>   id           type      i     n
#>   <chr>        <chr> <int> <int>
#> 1 seqs         seqs      1     6
#> 2 emale_genes  feats     1   143
#> 3 emale_tirs   feats     2    12
#> 4 emale_ngaros feats     3     3
#> 5 links        links     1    38