Pick which bins and seqs to show and in what order. Uses
-like syntax, which means unquoted genome names, positional
arguments and selection helpers, such as
are supported. Renaming is not supported.
pick(x, ...)
pick_seqs(x, ..., .bins = everything())
pick_seqs_within(x, ..., .bins = everything())
pick_by_tree(x, tree, infer_bin_id = .data$label)
- x
gggenomes object
- ...
bins/seqs to pick, select-like expression.
- .bins
scope for positional arguments, select-like expression, enclose multiple arguments with
!- tree
a phylogenetic tree in ggtree::ggtree or
-"phylo" format.- infer_bin_id
an expression to extract bin_ids from the tree data.
gggenomes object with selected bins and seqs.
gggenomes object with selected seqs.
gggenomes object with selected seqs.
gggenomes object with seqs selected by tree order.
Use the dots to select bins or sequences (depending on function suffix), and
the .bins
argument to set the scope for positional arguments. For example,
will pick the first sequence from the first bin, while
pick_seqs(1, .bins=3)
will pick the first sequence from the third bin.
: pick bins by bin_id, positional argument (start at top) or select-helper.pick_seqs()
: pick individual seqs seq_id, positional argument (start at top left) or select-helper.pick_seqs_within()
: pick individual seqs but only modify bins containing those seqs, keep rest as is.pick_by_tree()
: align bins with the leaves in a given phylogenetic tree.
s0 <- tibble::tibble(
bin_id = c("A", "B", "B", "B", "C", "C", "C"),
seq_id = c("a1", "b1", "b2", "b3", "c1", "c2", "c3"),
length = c(1e4, 6e3, 2e3, 1e3, 3e3, 3e3, 3e3)
p <- gggenomes(seqs = s0) + geom_seq(aes(color = bin_id), size = 3) +
geom_bin_label() + geom_seq_label() +
expand_limits(color = c("A", "B", "C"))
# remove
p %>% pick(-B)
# select and reorder, by ID and position
p %>% pick(C, 1)
# use helper function
p %>% pick(starts_with("B"))
# pick just some seqs
p %>% pick_seqs(1, c3)
# pick with .bin scope
p %>% pick_seqs(3:1, .bins = C)
# change seqs in some bins, but keep rest as is
p %>% pick_seqs_within(3:1, .bins = B)
# same w/o scope, unaffected bins remain as is
p %>% pick_seqs_within(b3, b2, b1)
# Align sequences with and plot next to a phylogenetic tree
library(patchwork) # arrange multiple plots
library(ggtree) # plot phylogenetic trees
#> ggtree v3.10.1 For help: https://yulab-smu.top/treedata-book/
#> If you use the ggtree package suite in published research, please cite
#> the appropriate paper(s):
#> Guangchuang Yu, David Smith, Huachen Zhu, Yi Guan, Tommy Tsan-Yuk Lam.
#> ggtree: an R package for visualization and annotation of phylogenetic
#> trees with their covariates and other associated data. Methods in
#> Ecology and Evolution. 2017, 8(1):28-36. doi:10.1111/2041-210X.12628
#> S Xu, Z Dai, P Guo, X Fu, S Liu, L Zhou, W Tang, T Feng, M Chen, L
#> Zhan, T Wu, E Hu, Y Jiang, X Bo, G Yu. ggtreeExtra: Compact
#> visualization of richly annotated phylogenetic data. Molecular Biology
#> and Evolution. 2021, 38(9):4039-4042. doi: 10.1093/molbev/msab166
#> Guangchuang Yu. Using ggtree to visualize data on tree-like structures.
#> Current Protocols in Bioinformatics. 2020, 69:e96. doi:10.1002/cpbi.96
#> Attaching package: ‘ggtree’
#> The following object is masked from ‘package:gggenomes’:
#> flip
# load and plot a phylogenetic tree
emale_mcp_tree <- read.tree(ex("emales/emales-MCP.nwk"))
t <- ggtree(emale_mcp_tree) + geom_tiplab(align = TRUE, size = 3) +
xlim(0, 0.05) # make room for labels
p <- gggenomes(seqs = emale_seqs, genes = emale_genes) +
geom_seq() + geom_seq() + geom_bin_label()
# plot next to each other, but with
# different order in tree and genomes
t + p + plot_layout(widths = c(1, 5))
# reorder genomes to match tree order
# with a warning caused by mismatch in y-scale expansions
t + p %>% pick_by_tree(t) + plot_layout(widths = c(1, 5))
#> Warning: Tree and genomes have different y-scale expansions. This can cause slight misalignments of leaves and sequences.
#> Consider adding `+ scale_y_continuous(expand=c(0.01,0.7,0.01,0.7))` to the tree as a fix
#> • tree: 0,0.6,0,0.6
#> • bins: 0.01,0.7,0.01,0.7
# extra genomes are dropped with a notification
emale_seqs_more <- emale_seqs
emale_seqs_more[7, ] <- emale_seqs_more[6, ]
emale_seqs_more$seq_id[7] <- "One more genome"
p <- gggenomes(seqs = emale_seqs_more, genes = emale_genes) +
geom_seq() + geom_seq() + geom_bin_label()
t + p %>% pick_by_tree(t) + plot_layout(widths = c(1, 5))
#> Some bin_ids are missing in the tree, will drop those from genomes.
#> • One more genome
#> Warning: Tree and genomes have different y-scale expansions. This can cause slight misalignments of leaves and sequences.
#> Consider adding `+ scale_y_continuous(expand=c(0.01,0.7,0.01,0.7))` to the tree as a fix
#> • tree: 0,0.6,0,0.6
#> • bins: 0.01,0.7,0.01,0.7
# no shared ids will cause an error
p <- gggenomes(seqs = tibble::tibble(seq_id = "foo", length = 1)) +
geom_seq() + geom_seq() + geom_bin_label()
t + p %>% pick_by_tree(t) + plot_layout(widths = c(1, 5))
# extra leafs in tree will cause an error
emale_seqs_fewer <- slice_head(emale_seqs, n = 4)
p <- gggenomes(seqs = emale_seqs_fewer, genes = emale_genes) +
geom_seq() + geom_seq() + geom_bin_label()
t + p %>% pick_by_tree(t) + plot_layout(widths = c(1, 5))
#> Error in pick_by_tree(., t) :
#> No shared bin_ids between tree and genomes. Check your IDs.